Psychological Counseling: Why are they important?

Everyone perceives oneself to be strong, and independent in meeting life’s challenging situations, however, there are certain times when seeking assistance may indeed be a practical option. In essence, help seeking behaviors when needed should be viewed as a sign of personal strength. Psychological counselling and testing can be an intimidating concept, but in reality, it is a powerful and highly useful tool designed to help students. Counselors often refer their clients to psychologists for psychological testing and assessment. Psychological Counseling can also help differentiate specific disorders within a family of disorders in order to formulate appropriate goals for the client in consideration of a more specific diagnosis.

Psychological tests are written, visual, or verbal evaluations administered to assess the cognitive and emotional functioning of children and adults. Psychological tests are used to assess a variety of mental abilities and attributes, including achievement and ability, personality, and neurological functioning. Counseling is a Psychological help to improve your mental health.  It is entirely different from Advising. Counselors would work on your thoughts, feelings and behaviours thereby helping you to problem solve. 

psychological counseling

What is a Psychometric Counseling / Assessment?

Psychometric Assessment (also called psychometric test) is usually done to understand the characteristics of the candidate and the potential for prosperity in the job or overall career. Psychological Counseling / Assessment comes in many forms and is a clear term for any examination aimed at measuring a person’s personality or cognitive skills.

Benefits of Psychometric Counseling:

  • Understand your child’s Caliber & Personality
  • 10 Parameter Evaluation using India’s First Indianised IQ Test
  • Personality & Occupational Preference Evaluation
  • Realistic Career Recommendations
  • 100% Accurate Career Guidance
  • Stream Selection Assistance
  • Internationally Valid Caliber Score
  • Internationally Valid Personality Classification
  • Schedule Psychological counseling

Schedule Psychological counseling to assess the development and intellectual abilities of young children so that early signs of special needs can be explored.

Why Psychological Counseling / Assessment / Test?

  • Personality Assessments
  • Performance measurements
  • Career interests and aptitude
  • Child development & identification of special needs

Psychometric tests combined with an expert career counselling session can result in a great consulting experience for a student. This can help a student decide what career can be best suitable for him and where he can perform better. Career counselling not only helps a student understand a career stream and get focussed on that but also helps him to understand the scope of a particular career. There are several students who know about the career choice that they want to pursue but are unaware of the hard work that is required to be put in that stream. There are others who have no idea of how the admission procedures go in their selected career stream. Some other students need to know about good universities and schools in their preferred career line.

Psychological Counseling helps people to understand & handle different life problems and mental health issues. Psychometric assessment comes in many forms and is a clear term for any examination aimed at measuring a person’s personality or cognitive skills. More about Psychological Counseling information then visit


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